Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sh@# Chicks Say: I am doin' a cleanse

This week requires no menu planning... liquid diet for me! I went to Pressed Juicery this morning and stocked up on juices for the next 3 days. I think I can manage 72 hours without solid food. What is my purpose for this? It is as much mental as it is physical. I am hoping for a lightness, better sleep, and a clean slate. I hope it will inform my food decisions as I reintroduce solid food back into my week. You know, what are the benefits of free range animals and food that isn't processed? Is that even possible? Pressed Juicery says it best on their website (
"Think of your cleanse with us as the finest tune-up you can get. Expect to complete your cleanse feeling clear, optimistic and rejuvenated on the inside, and radiant and lean on the outside. "

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